Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chicken Cheese Soup Recipe

Heat together 1-cup milk,
1-cup water in which 2 chicken bouillon cubes have been dissolved,
and 1 can of condensed cream of chicken soup.

Stir in 1/4 cup grated American Cheddar cheese and season with salt, pepper, and plenty of paprika until cheese melts.

Other popular American recipes simply add grated cheese to lima bean or split bean soup, peanut butter soup, or plain cheese soup with rice.

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Chicken Cream Soup Recipe

An old chicken for soup is much the best.

Cut it up into quarters, put it into a soup kettle with half a pound of corned ham, and an onion; add four quarts of cold water.

Bring slowly to a gentle boil, and keep this up until the liquid has diminished one-third, and the meat drops from the bones; then add half a cup of rice.

Season with salt, pepper and a bunch of chopped parsley.

Cook slowly until the rice is tender, then the meat should be taken out.

Now stir in two cups of rich milk thickened with a little flour.

The chicken could be fried in a spoonful of butter and gravy made, reserving some of the white part of the meat, chopping it and adding it to the soup.

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Macaroni Soup Recipe


Heat a quart of milk, to which has been added a tablespoonful of finely grated bread crust (the brown part only, from the top of the loaf) and a slice of onion to flavor, in a double boiler.
When the milk is well flavored, remove the onion, turn through a colander, add salt, and thicken with two teaspoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk. Lastly add one cupful of cooked macaroni, and serve.


1/2 lb. small macaroni,
2 qts. water or vegetable stock,
3/4 lb. onions or 1 lb. tomatoes.

Break the macaroni into small pieces and add to the stock when nearly boiling. Cook with the lid off the saucepan until the macaroni is swollen and very tender. (This will take about an hour.) If onions are used for flavoring, steam separately until tender, and add to soup just before serving. If tomatoes are used, skin and cook slowly to pulp (without water) before adding. If the vegetable stock is already strong and well flavored, no addition of any kind will be needed.

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Carrot Soup Recipe


4 good-sized carrots,
1 small head of celery,
1 fair-sized onion,
1 turnip,
3 oz. of breadcrumbs,
1-1/2 oz. of butter,
1 blade of mace, pepper and salt to taste.
Scrape and wash the vegetables, and cut them up small; set them over the fire with 3 pints of water, the butter, bread, and mace.
Let all boil together, until the vegetables are quite tender, and then rub them through a sieve.
Return the mixture to the saucepan, season with pepper and salt, and if too thick add water to the soup, which should be as thick as cream, boil the soup up, and


For a quart of soup, slice one large carrot and boil in a small quantity of water for two hours or longer, then rub it through a colander, add a quart of rich milk, and salt to season.
Reheat, and when boiling, thicken with two teaspoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk.


1 carrot,
1 potato,
and 1 small onion cut up small,
1 pint of water, a little butter,
and pepper and salt to taste.
Cook the vegetables in the water till quite tender, rub them through a sieve, adding a little water if necessary; return to saucepan, add seasoning and butter, boil
up and serve.

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Noodle Soup Recipe


To make a good stock for noodle soup, take a small shank of beef, one of mutton, and another of veal; have the bones cracked and boil them together for twenty-four hours.
Put with them two good-sized potatoes, a carrot, a turnip, an onion, and some celery.
Salt and pepper to taste. If liked, a bit of bay leaf may be added.
When thoroughly well done, strain through a colander and set aside until required for use.
For the noodles, use one egg for an ordinary family, and more in proportion to quantity required.
Break the eggs into the flour, add a little salt, and mix into a rather stiff dough. Roll very thin and cut into fine bits.
Let them dry for two hours, then drop them into the boiling stock about ten minutes before serving.


Beat up one egg light, add a pinch of salt, and flour enough to make a very stiff dough; roll out very thin, like thin pie crust, dredge with flour to keep from sticking.
Let it remain on the breadboard to dry for an hour or more; then roll it up into a tight scroll, like a sheet of music.
Begin at the end and slice it into slips as thin as straws.
After all are cut, mix them lightly together, and to prevent them sticking, keep them floured a little until you are ready to drop them into your soup which should be done shortly before dinner, for if boiled too long they will go to pieces.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Italian Soup Recipe

Take 2 oz. Macaroni,
2 quarts Water or Pot Boilings,
2 Tomatoes,
1 oz. Butter and
2 oz. Cheese Rind.

Put the water or stock on to boil, and when it boils put in the macaroni and boil from twenty-five to thirty minutes.

While it is boiling grate up a dry piece of cheese.

Put the tomatoes into boiling water and remove the skin, slice them up and put them into a saucepan with the butter and some pepper and salt, and cook them for a few minutes.

When the macaroni is soft, cut it into pieces one inch long, put a layer of tomatoes at the bottom of the soup tureen, then a layer of grated cheese, then one of macaroni; repeat this until all the materials are used up, pour over it boiling the liquor in which the macaroni has been cooked, cover down for a few minutes, and serve.

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Bean Soup Recipe

2 cups beans
2 tablespoons finely cut onion
2 tablespoons finely cut bacon
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 teaspoon thyme
3 tablespoons flour

Soak beans in water over night.
Drain and put into saucepan with six cups boiling water and boil slowly two hours or until soft; add onion and bacon which have been fried light brown; boil five minutes; add salt, pepper, parsley and thyme.
Mash beans with back of spoon. Add
flour which has been mixed with a little cold water; boil five minutes and serve.

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Tomato Soup Recipe


1-1/2 lbs. of tomatoes (or 1 tin of tomatoes),
1 oz. of butter,
3 pints of water (only 2 if tinned tomatoes are used),
2 oz. of rice,
1 large onion,
1 teaspoonful of herbs, pepper and salt to taste.

Cut the tomatoes into slices, chop fine the onion, and let them cook with the water for about 20 minutes.

Strain the mixture, return the liquid to the saucepan, and add the other ingredients and seasoning.
Let the soup cook gently until the rice is tender.


1 tin of tomatoes, or 2 lbs. of fresh ones,
1 large Spanish onion or 2 small ones,
2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste,
1 oz. vermicelli, and 2 bay leaves (these may be left out it desired).

Peel the onion and chop it up roughly.
Fry it brown with the butter in the saucepan in which the soup should be made.
When the onion is browned add the tomatoes (the fresh ones should be sliced), the bay leaves and 3 pints of water; let all cook together for 1/2 an hour.

Then drain the liquid through a strainer or sieve without rubbing anything through; return the soup to the saucepan, add seasoning and the vermicelli, and allow the soup to cook until the vermicelli is soft, which will take from 5 to 10 minutes.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Vegetable Soup Recipe #3

2 large turnips,
2 large carrots,
2 Spanish onions,
1 teacupful of pearl barley,
1-1/2 oz. butter,
1/2 pint of milk, salt and pepper to taste.

Cover the vegetables with cold water and allow them to boil from 2 to 3 hours,
then rub through a sieve and add butter and milk.

It too thick, add more milk.

Boil up and serve.

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Vegetable Soup Recipe #2

Prepare a quart of bran stock as previously directed.

Heat to boiling, and add to it one teaspoonful of grated carrot, a slice of onion, and a half cup of tomato.

Cook together in a double boiler for half an hour.

Remove the slice of onion, and add salt and a half cup of turnip previously cooked and cut in small dice.

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Vegetable Soup Recipe #1

Soak a cupful of white beans over night in cold water.

When ready to cook, put into fresh boiling water and simmer until tender.

When nearly done, add three large potatoes sliced, two or three slices of white turnip, and one large parsnip cut in slices.

When done, rub through a colander, add milk or water to make of proper consistency, season with salt and cream, reheat and serve.

This quantity of material is sufficient for two quarts of soup.

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Chicken Soup Recipe

Cut up the chicken; cut each joint, and let it boil an hour;
make dumplings of a pint of milk, an egg, a little salt and flour, stirred in till quite stiff;
drop this in, a spoonful at a time, while it is boiling;
stir in a little thickening, with enough pepper, salt and parsley, to season the whole;
let it boil a few minutes longer, and take it up in a tureen.

Chopped celery is a great improvement to chicken soup;
and new corn, cut off the cob, and put in when it is half done, gives it a very nice flavor.

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Potato Soup

Potato Soup #1

Peel thinly 2 lbs. potatoes. (A floury kind should be used for this soup.)
Cut into small pieces, and put into a saucepan with enough water to cover them.
Add three large onions (sliced), unless tomatoes are preferred for flavoring.
Bring to the boil, then simmer until the potatoes are cooked to a mash.
Rub through a sieve or beat with a fork.
Now add 3/4 pint water or 1 pint milk, and a little nutmeg if liked.
Boil up and serve.
If the milk is omitted, the juice and pulp of two or three tomatoes may be added, and the onions may be left out also.


For each quart of soup required, cook a pint of sliced potatoes in sufficient water to cover them.
When tender, rub through a colander.
Return to the fire, and add enough rich, sweet milk,
part cream if it can be afforded to make a quart in all, and a little salt.
Let the soup come to a boil, and add a teaspoonful of flour or corn starch, rubbed to a paste with a little water; boil a few minutes and serve.
A cup and a half of cold mashed potato or a pint of sliced baked potato can be used instead of fresh material; in which case add the milk and heat before rubbing through the colander.
A slice of onion or a stalk of celery may be simmered in the soup for a few minutes to flavor, and then removed with a skimmer or a spoon.
A good mixed potato soup is made by using one third sweet and two thirds Irish potatoes, in the same manner as above.


2 lbs. of potatoes, 1/2 stick of celery or the outer stalks of a head of celery, saving the heart for table use; 1 large Spanish onion, 1 pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter, a heaped up tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, and pepper and salt to taste.
Peel, wash, and cut in pieces the potatoes, peel and chop roughly the onion, prepare and cut in small pieces the celery.
Cook the vegetables in three pints of water until they are quite soft.
Rub them through a sieve, return the fluid mixture to the saucepan; add the milk, butter, and seasoning, and boil the soup up again; if too thick add more water.
Mix the parsley in the soup just before serving.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Cabbage and Bacon Soup Recipe

Take 1 Cabbage,
1 lb. Bacon,
1 doz. Peppercorns,
2 Turnips, 1 Carrot,
1 Onion and Pieces of Stale Bread.

This soup is not as expensive as it appears, for the bacon is served as a dish of meat, either after the soup or cold for breakfast or tea.

Put two quarts of water into a saucepan; when it boils put in a pound of bacon neither too lean nor too fat. Let it boil slowly for one hour.

The bacon must be well washed and scraped before cooking, and when it boils skim the pot thoroughly.

Well wash the cabbage and soak it in hot water for half an hour.

Take all the water away and put the cabbage into the saucepan with the bacon and vegetables cut up, and the peppercorns tied in a piece of muslin;
let them simmer together for two and a half hours, take up the cabbage, and cut it into quarters.

Take one quarter and cut it into small pieces and put it into a soup tureen.

Cut some stale pieces of bread into thin slices and lay on the top, pour over the boiling liquor, and serve.

Dish the bacon, pull off the rind, and put the rest of the cabbage round the dish.

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Cabbage Soup Recipe #2

Take 1 Cabbage,
2 oz. Butter,
1 pint Milk, Pepper, Salt, and Bread.

Wash and strain the cabbage well, and cut it up into slices;
throw it into boiling salt and water, and cook for five minutes;
strain all the water off and put it into a saucepan with the salt, pepper, and two quarts of boiling water, and boil for one hour.

Add the milk and let it boil up again, toast the slice of bread and cut it up into dice.
Put it into a warm soup tureen and pour the boiling soup over it.

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Cabbage Soup Recipe #1

1 fair-sized cabbage, a large Spanish onion,
1-1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste,
1/2 salt spoonful of nutmeg,
1-1/2 pints of milk,
2 tablespoonfuls of Allinson fine wheat meal.

After preparing and washing the cabbage, shred up very fine,
chop up the onion, set these two in a saucepan over the fire with 1 quart of water,
the butter and seasoning, and let all cook gently for 1 hour,
or longer it the vegetables are not quite tender.

Add the milk and thickening when the vegetables are thoroughly tender,
and let all simmer gently for 10 minutes;
serve with little squares of toasted or fried bread, or Allinson plain rusks.

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