Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Potato Soup

Potato Soup #1

Peel thinly 2 lbs. potatoes. (A floury kind should be used for this soup.)
Cut into small pieces, and put into a saucepan with enough water to cover them.
Add three large onions (sliced), unless tomatoes are preferred for flavoring.
Bring to the boil, then simmer until the potatoes are cooked to a mash.
Rub through a sieve or beat with a fork.
Now add 3/4 pint water or 1 pint milk, and a little nutmeg if liked.
Boil up and serve.
If the milk is omitted, the juice and pulp of two or three tomatoes may be added, and the onions may be left out also.


For each quart of soup required, cook a pint of sliced potatoes in sufficient water to cover them.
When tender, rub through a colander.
Return to the fire, and add enough rich, sweet milk,
part cream if it can be afforded to make a quart in all, and a little salt.
Let the soup come to a boil, and add a teaspoonful of flour or corn starch, rubbed to a paste with a little water; boil a few minutes and serve.
A cup and a half of cold mashed potato or a pint of sliced baked potato can be used instead of fresh material; in which case add the milk and heat before rubbing through the colander.
A slice of onion or a stalk of celery may be simmered in the soup for a few minutes to flavor, and then removed with a skimmer or a spoon.
A good mixed potato soup is made by using one third sweet and two thirds Irish potatoes, in the same manner as above.


2 lbs. of potatoes, 1/2 stick of celery or the outer stalks of a head of celery, saving the heart for table use; 1 large Spanish onion, 1 pint of milk, 1 oz. of butter, a heaped up tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, and pepper and salt to taste.
Peel, wash, and cut in pieces the potatoes, peel and chop roughly the onion, prepare and cut in small pieces the celery.
Cook the vegetables in three pints of water until they are quite soft.
Rub them through a sieve, return the fluid mixture to the saucepan; add the milk, butter, and seasoning, and boil the soup up again; if too thick add more water.
Mix the parsley in the soup just before serving.

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